- 涂布机NMP分析仪GTD-1000Ex
品牌:GASTRON 型号:GTD-1000Ex 加工定制:是 类型:固定式 测量范围:0-100% LEL 测量对象:涂布机NMP气体 测量精度:±3% / Full scale 响应时间:< 15sec / 90% scale 电压:24 v 分辨率:见说明 尺寸:136 x 166 x 95 mm 重量:1.2 kg 电源:24VDC 测量气体:NMP 叫法1:涂布机NMP气体探测器 叫法2:涂布机NMP气体监测仪 叫法3:涂布机NMP气体浓度仪 叫法4:涂布机NMP浓度监测仪 涂布机NMP气体探测器/涂布机NMP气体监测仪/涂布机NMP气体浓度仪/涂布机NMP浓度监测仪/涂布机NMP气体在线浓度计/涂布机NMP气体在线浓度仪/在线式涂布机NMP检测报警仪/涂布机NMP分析仪/涂布机NMP测量仪/涂布机NMP检测仪
分子式:C5H9NO ,分子量:99.1322,CAS号:872-50-4。无色透明油状液体,微有胺的气味。熔点-24.4℃。沸点203℃;150℃(30.66kPa);135℃(13.33kPa);81~82℃(1.33kPa)。闪点95℃。相对密度1.0260(25/25℃)。折射率nD(25℃)1.486。粘度(25℃)1.65mPa·s。能与水、醇、醚、酯、酮、卤代烃、芳烃互溶。挥发度低,热稳定性、化学稳定性均佳。大鼠口服毒性LD50=3914mg/kg, 兔子经皮毒性LD50=8000mg/kg。
* Continuous detection of combustible, oxygen & toxic gas in explosion hazardous area with flame proof structure
* Stable quality and proved detection principle for service life
* Excellent selectivity by adapting detection principle only for oxygen & toxic gas
* High quality and proved detection principle for service life
* Superior performance for detecting gas below TLV
* Multi functions and high quality with low cost of ownership
* Easy maintenance & calibration with inside FND display
* Calibration and maintenance by one worker
TRANSMITTERTYPE COMB. OXYGEN & TOXIC GAS DETECTORModel GTD-1000 Series Measuring gas Combustible gas
(LNG, LPG, H2, Methane, Butane & etc)Toxic gas (O2, CO, CL2, NH3 & etc) Measuring type Diffusion type Measuring method Hot wire semiconductor cell, Catalytic cell, Thermal conductivity cell semiconductor cell, Electrochemical cell Measuring range 0~2000ppm, 0~100% LEL, 0~100% Vol Refer to ordering information Response time < 15sec / 90% scale < 45sec / 90% scale Accuracy ±3% / Full scale Output signal Analogue output: Measuring output: 4-20 mA DC Cable / Distance 3 wire (Above CVVSB 1.5sq ) / 2,500m max.
Conduit connection 1/2" & 3/4" PF, NPT (3/4" PF standard) Mounting type 2" Pole mount, Wall mount, Duct mount Operating temperature -20℃ ~ +50℃ Operating humidity 5 ~ 99%.RH (non-condensing) Operating power 18 ~ 31V DC (24V DC normal) / 250mA max. Dimensions 136 x 166 x 95 (W X H X D) 136 x 176 x 95 (W X H X D) Weight 1.2 kg 1.8 kg Approval Flame proof type (Ex d IIC T6) -