- NOVA 339K便携式SF6分析仪
品牌:NOVA 型号:NOVA 339K 加工定制:否
The Nova 339 Methane Leak Detector has been designed for measureing the percent methane, natural gas or propane gas in air. A sensitive but rugged infrared detector measures the methane or propane in air and displays the actual percentage by volume on a digital display. This is an ideal method of measurement for leak detection because the sensor will not burn out or become 'blinded' as do some catalytic types.The Model 339 had rechargeable battery operation and has no warm-up wait. A built-in sample pump, hose, probe and flow indicator are also provided. Built-in audible and visual alarms are included. The alarm set point is field-adjustable. LED lights tell when to recharge and verify recharging. The recharger is included.
NOVA 339K便携式SF6分析仪技术参数:
NOVA 339便携式SF6分析仪主要型号:
NOVA 339